@thesis{thesis, author={Muh Arya Shiddiq}, title ={Rancang Bangun Kotak Amal Otomatis Berbasis Arduino Uno Dan Sensor Inframerah}, year={2021}, url={https://repository.ittelkom-pwt.ac.id/6676/}, abstract={The charity box is one of the many media used to collect alms from the community. Unlike in the past, charity boxes could only be found in places of worship, nowadays charity boxes can be easily found in public spaces. In general, the distribution of charity boxes is done by shifting the charity boxes from one congregation to another, so that it is considered ineffective because often the distribution is not comprehensive. Therefore a charity box was designed by adopting the working principle of the Human Following Robot which is able to move and follow objects by utilizing ultrasonic and infrared sensors to scan objects. The purpose of this research is to design a touchless charity box system that can be used in mosques as long as it is still in New Normal condition. In general, making this design consists of 3 parts, namely mechanical design, electronic circuits, and program algorithms. The system on this final task project is said to be successful because the system can be well connected between the microcontroller with infrared sensors, ultrasonic and motor shield driver l293d according to the algorithm created. The mechanical movement system is based on reading the condition of the sensor which reads the line as a track or path that will be passed by the charity box car robot. The success rate of this automated charity box robot system reaches a value 100%. Keywords: Charity Box, Less Touch, Sensor, New Normal, Robot} }