@thesis{thesis, author={Mochamad Alfinnasa Bada Chusnul Ibad}, title ={Pengembangan Sistem Informasi Buku Tamu Pengadilan Negeri Kelas 1A Cilacap Menggunakan Metode Waterfall}, year={2021}, url={https://repository.ittelkom-pwt.ac.id/6685/}, abstract={The District Court examines and decides cases at the first level of all civil and criminal cases for all population groups. Law Number 14 of 2008 concerning Public Information Disclosure SK KMA Number 1-144/KMA/SK/I/2011 concerning Guidelines for Information Services in Courts. Based on this, appropriate technology is needed that can be utilized by the Cilacap District Court Class 1A to manage guest data. For this, we need an application that makes it easier for the court to provide information on cases that will be tried until the trial process schedule and data collection of guests who come, as long as the process is done manually. The resulting information system is web-based. This information system makes it easier for officers to manage incoming guest data. Making this information system using PHP and database processing using MySQL so that it can generate time so that work efficiency increases. This software development uses the Waterfall method. The stage in the estimation stage is the estimation effort of 591.9 man-hours (persons per hour) because this project is carried out by one person, if it is 173 hours per month it will take 3.4 months. Testing is the final stage before being presented to users, in testing here using black box testing. The results of testing the Guest Book Information System at the Class 1A Cilacap District Court using black box testing of 100% and can ensure that all features can run well based on features. Keywords: Information System, Waterfall, Guest Book, Website, Black Box} }