@thesis{thesis, author={Puan Nadia Afifah}, title ={Komparasi Bukti Forensik Digital Whatsapp Resmi Dengan Whatsapp Modify Di Smartphone Android Menggunakan Metode NIST 800-101 R1}, year={2021}, url={https://repository.ittelkom-pwt.ac.id/6702/}, abstract={Instant messaging service applications are very often used by the people of Indonesia compared to short message services that have existed for a long time. There are many types of instant messaging services such as WhatsApp, Kakao talk, Line, Messenger and so on. Among the many instant messaging services available, WhatsApp is one of the most popular instant messaging services. Based on an article published by tekno.kompas.com, WhatsApp users reached 2 billion users. However, along with the development of technology and the internet, crime against instant messaging services has also grown. In addition, due to the rapid development of technology, the creativity of the developers began to violate the law, where the developers developed the existing WhatsApp instant messaging service to be modified according to the wishes of the user such as changing the theme color, displaying the status of the user who excluded them and so on. The WhatsApp company, which is now under the auspices of the Facebook company, also had time to block users who used this type of WhatsApp Modify because they had violated the copyright owned by the WhatsApp company. In this study, a comparative analysis of the excavation of artifacts will be carried out between the existing official WhatsApp and WhatsApp Modify which was developed by the developers. This study will also conduct a security analysis on WhatsApp Modify which will be assessed based on the artifact excavation process which includes data in the form of conversation history such as photos, text messages, videos, documents and WhatsApp contact lists. Keywords: WhatsApp, WhatsApp Modify, Digital Forensic} }