@thesis{thesis, author={Rio Chaerudin}, title ={Analisis Area Traffic Control System Sebagai Sistem Pengendalian Lalu Lintas Kota Semarang}, year={2021}, url={https://repository.ittelkom-pwt.ac.id/6706/}, abstract={In regulating the flow of traffic, it has been controlled through a control center called the Area Traffic Control System (ATCS). With the existence of this ATCS, it can help in regulating the flow of traffic so that it is controlled in an orderly manner. However, the problem is that the ATCS control system is not fully understood by the admin who controls it, so there is a need for research on an explanation of how the ATCS application works as a traffic control system, as well as on how to optimally regulate the duration of traffic light, to avoid congestion that occurs at Simpang Jrakah. . The location was chosen because of frequent traffic jams. The method used in this study uses qualitative methods. From the results of the study, it can be seen how the traffic control system works using the ATCS application with CCTV and Traffic features. And it can be seen that the optimal duration of the green light is 52 seconds on Jl. Siliwangi, 48 seconds on Jl. Prof. Dr. Hamka and 39 seconds on Jl. The Walisongo. Keywords: Traffic control system, ATCS, traffic light} }