@thesis{thesis, author={Mely Sulistiowati}, title ={Pengembangan Sistem Informasi Geografis Untuk Pemetaan Lokasi PKL Mahasiswa Informatika Menggunakan Metode Agile}, year={2021}, url={https://repository.ittelkom-pwt.ac.id/6709/}, abstract={Internship at the Faculty of Informatics, Telkom Institute of Technology, Purwokerto, has 4 stages, namely finding the location of the internship, conducting internship, seminars, and collecting grades. At the stage of finding the location of the internship, the campus determines which agency they will carry out the internship at. At this stage, some students are still having trouble finding and determining the location of the internship. Thus, it is necessary to have an information system that can assist the process of finding the location of the internship. Based on these problems, the research "Development of Geographic Information Systems for Mapping the Location of The Internship Informatics Students Using Agile Methods". This system displays the location data of the internship in the form of geographic maps. The system development method used is the agile method with the stages of needs analysis, system design, implementation, and testing. At the implementation stage, coding is carried out on the system design that has been created using the PHP programming language with the Codeigniter framework and MySQL as the database. The testing phase is carried out using the black box method, namely by testing the system functionality. From system testing, it produces a success percentage of 98%. So it can be said that the internship location mapping information system has been running well. Keywords: Geographic Information System, Agile, Codeigniter, Black Box Testing} }