@thesis{thesis, author={Aris Rachmat Fadillah}, title ={Rancang Bangun Game Edukasi Pengenalan Pahlawan Nasional Indonesia Berbasis Role Playing Game (Rpg) Dengan Metode Game Development Life Cycle (Studi Kasus: Sd Negeri 3 Derik)}, year={2022}, url={https://repository.ittelkom-pwt.ac.id/7845/}, abstract={Hero is a title for people who are very meritorious and contribute to an institution or a country and fight against colonialism who have died on the battlefield for Indonesian independence. Indonesia has quite a lot of National Heroes, as many as 195 people. Despite the large number of national heroes that already exist, not everyone knows the history of these national heroes. The results of a survey conducted at SD Negeri 3 Derik found that 18 out of 36 students or as much as 50% of the total respondents were not familiar with the history of Indonesian National Hero figures. To overcome these problems, some ways can be used to introduce Indonesian National Hero figures, namely using information technology. Information technology that can be used is educational games. Educational games are games that are made with the aim not only for fun but also to provide information related to learning. With the problem, many students in grades 4 and 5 at SD Negeri 3 Derik are not familiar with the history of Indonesian National Heroes. Therefore, this study designed an educational game to introduce the history of national heroes to students. In this study, the Game Development Life Cycle (GDLC) method is used for the development of an educational game system and the RPG Maker MV game engine for its manufacture. The GDLC method in this study uses the method developed by Rido Ramadan and Yani Widyani which has six stages, namely the initiation stage, preproduction stage, production stage, testing stage, beta stage, and release stage. The testing stage uses black box testing with test results showing that the Adventure of Lakesa game has no errors and bugs. Then at the beta stage using usability testing the test results get an average percentage value of 95.8% which is included in the very good quality criteria. Keywords: Black box, GDLC, National Hero, RPG, RPG Maker MV, Usability} }