@thesis{thesis, author={Fahmi Nur Baihaqi}, title ={Perancangan Ui/Ux Prototype Aplikasi Presensi Pada Siswa Melalui Pendekatan User Centered Design (Studi Kasus : SMPN 2 Karanglewas)}, year={2022}, url={https://repository.ittelkom-pwt.ac.id/7853/}, abstract={The problems faced at SMPN 2 Karanglewas, which still use paper/book attendance, face many obstacles. So it is necessary to do research by designing the UI, through the UX evaluation process carried out with the MVP prototype with the User Centered Design (UCD) approach, scenario testing makes it easier for the usability scale (SUS) system. This study aims to introduce teachers to the Android-based ReCheck Presence Application Design for students by teachers at SMP N 2 Karanglewas. The UI/UX MVP design method for the Presence ReCek prototype uses a User Centered Design (UCD) approach, while the evaluation uses a task scenario that aims to simplify the system usability scale (SUS). The results of the study using test scenarios 1 to 8 which have determined the success rate by the user, scenario 1, scenario 2, scenario 3, scenario 6, and scenario 7 are worth 100% of the success of the experiment. In scenario 4 and scenario 5, it is worth 96% of the success of the experiment, where there is only 1 respondent who does not succeed in scenario 4 and scenario 5. In scenario 8 it is worth 88% of the success of the experiment, where there are 3 respondents who are not successful. Scenario testing is to facilitate the SUS (System Usability Scale) evaluation questionnaire, it can be seen that the score obtained from teacher respondents reaches 82 which means getting a B rating as an excellent grade (very good) with Acceptable status (Acceptable), student guardian respondents reaching 87 means getting a B rating as grade excellent (very good) status Acceptable (Acceptable).The presence application prototype for students has succeeded in establishing a good level of availability for both the teacher user and the student guardian user. Keywords: Android, ReCheck Presence Application, User Centered Design, UI/UX, SMPN 2 Karanglewas} }