@thesis{thesis, author={Rosa Mustika Dina}, title ={Rancang Bangun Management System Dan Ekatalog Studio Foto Berbasis Website Menggunakan Metode Waterfall}, year={2022}, url={https://repository.ittelkom-pwt.ac.id/7958/}, abstract={Tyas Foto is a photo printing service provider company in Banyumas Regency. So far, the recording of data such as the process of ordering photos and daily financial reports is still done manually, namely by being recorded in a book which allows errors in recording or lack of information in recording. In carrying out its services, Tyas Foto only uses the manual method, namely by way of consumers coming directly to the place and placing orders. This method is less effective, because there is often a buildup of customers which results in crowds and makes the service less than optimal. Based on the above problems, a website-based service information system is needed in order to simplify and speed up service to consumers while saving costs and time in recording daily reports. Because one of the advantages of website applications can be accessed through various platforms and information is presented by a web browser on any information system. The Web System Management and E-catalog applications that were built and designed have special admin features in recording customer data and recording daily finances, while for consumers themselves it has a product ordering feature. Making this system using the waterfall method as a system development. The final result of this research is the existence of a system that can process management systems and also photo services that can make it easier for admins to do daily records and also make it easier for customers to place orders, both offline and online. Keywords: website, management system, e-catalog, waterfall} }