@thesis{thesis, author={Ferdy Rakhman Ibrahim}, title ={Perancangan Dan Analisis Alat Pemberi Pakan Otomatis Dan Pendeteksi Suhu, Ph Air Pada Kolam Budidaya Ikan Koi Menggunakan Internet Of Things}, year={2022}, url={https://repository.ittelkom-pwt.ac.id/7994/}, abstract={Koi fish is an ornamental fish that is widely cultivated by the community because of its shape, and beautiful color. In Melung Village, there is a Koi Fish farming pond with an open water cycle and rice fields, as well as plateaus with cold water temperatures, of course, it can cause fish metabolism which affects fish feed patterns, due to unstable temperatures. Ponds with open water cycles are certainly not always clean, there are times when soap or fertilizer waste that enters the pond causes the water solution to become acidic or alkaline. Therefore, this study can help fish farmers feed by utilizing temperature and feeding automatically at certain hours, and can monitor water temperature conditions, and water pH. In this design, it uses an Arduino Nano microcontroller board as the brain of the system, and NodeMCU ESP8266 as a data sender to the internet using Wifi, DS18B20 temperature sensor as a water temperature detector, and a pH sensor detects acidity and bases, then RTC DS3231 as a feed timer, and servos open and close feed containers, further utilizing Internet of Things technology for temperature monitoring, and water pH that can be monitored in the Android application using the MIT App Inventor. The results of the test for the temperature sensor of the cold water temperature condition of 5.7 °C, normal water 25.8 °C, hot water 70.5 °C got an average error of 0.64%, and in the pH sensor test using a solution of Vinegar water 2.54, normal water 6.42, soapy water 10.08. obtained an average error of 5.29%. In the results of the dose test using servo based on the duration, the result is that if it is 10ms, then the dose is 5.83 grams, and up to 70ms with a dose of 17.86 grams. Keywords: Koi Fish, Arduino Nano, NodeMCU ESP8266, pH sensor, DS18B20 temperature sensor, RTC module, Servo, Internet of Things.} }