@thesis{thesis, author={Regina Putri Wanda Zahirah}, title ={Rancang Bangun E-Commerce Berbasis Website Menggunakan Metode Scrum (Studi Kasus : Toko “Scent Of Words”)}, year={2022}, url={https://repository.ittelkom-pwt.ac.id/8325/}, abstract={The ?Scent Of Words? store is located in Padang, West Sumatra. The ?Scent Of Words? shop is engaged in selling homemade clothes with the theme of Social Psychology. Currently the "Scent Of Words" store is still doing sales manually, namely consumers come to the store or the owner delivers goods to consumers. With the increasing number of business selling clothes, ?Scent Of Words? clothing stores have difficulty increasing sales, increasing customer trust, and marketing their products to the public. This problem can be briefly concluded that the "Scent Of Words" clothing store has not kept up with technological developments. So a solution is needed so that it is easier for shop owners to increase sales, increase customer trust, and market their products so that they can be better known by consumers both inside and outside the city of Padang. The solution to this problem is to build a website-based e-commerce. In this website-based e-commerce design, the researcher will use the scrum model from the agile method. System testing in this study will use black box testing with equivalence partitioning techniques and white box testing with statement coverage techniques. At the time of system development, the scrum method was divided into 4 sprints with a time of 2 weeks for each sprint and each sprint working on 46 story points. The work on sprints 1 to 4 produces a velocity of 46 which can be concluded that the team's performance is stable without a single backlog being left behind. The results of testing the system using black box testing with the equivalence partitioning technique, namely the system can run 100% smoothly and the results of the white box testing with the statement coverage technique getting a value of 80.98% which means it has a good feasibility value. This study succeeded in building a website-based e-commerce using the scrum method that can be accessed online according to the wishes of the shop owner. Keyword : E-commerce, Scrum, Website} }