@thesis{thesis, author={Muhammad Ifan Maulana}, title ={Sistem Informasi Geografis Pemetaan Lahan Parkir Resmi Di Kota Pekalongan Menggunakan Metode Rad (Rapid Application Development)}, year={2022}, url={https://repository.ittelkom-pwt.ac.id/8346/}, abstract={The existence of population mobility from one place to another, it requires access to vehicles as a means of transportation. Vehicles or means of transportation need a space, namely a parking lot. Most people in Pekalongan City do not know in detail the official parking space provided by the Department of Transportation. The City of Pekalongan makes efforts to assist the Department of Transportation in mapping official parking spaces for users of transportation equipment by using a website-based Information System that can produce information about the location or point of the parking lot. The method used in this research is RAD (Rapid Application Development). The conclusion obtained in this study is a website-based Geographic Information System that can provide information on mapping official parking spaces in Pekalongan City using RAD, so that it can support the Department of Transportation and users of transportation equipment. Keywords : Parking lot, Geographic Information System, Rapid Aplication Developmen} }