@thesis{thesis, author={Yoga Indra Wijaya}, title ={Rancang Bangun Sistem Infromasi Penyewaan Kamera Berbasis Web Menggunakan Metode Rapid Application Development (Studi Kasus: Kancil Rental Kamera Purwokerto)}, year={2022}, url={https://repository.ittelkom-pwt.ac.id/8455/}, abstract={The camera rental process is still done conventionally. Customers come to the rental or doing book process via whatsapp then doing down payment for the appointment. Based on interviews with the owner, they?re having problems with the booking system which often conflict due to misunderstandings in rental data. The rental data collection itself is still uses manual input and often causes a lack of infromation readability and ability to search. Based on these problems, this research is designing a web-based camera rental information system. Thus an information system is proposed to be developed using Rapid Application Development methodology. The implementation phase is developed using PHP programming language with Laravel framework. MySQL is used for database management. The test result with black box testing shows that system functionality works properly, while system usability scale testing gets a score of 75,08 which means this information system is graded C or rated as ?Good?. Keywords: Rapid Application Development, Information System, Rental, Website} }