@thesis{thesis, author={Winarti Agatha Corintias}, title ={Implementation Of World Indonesia Scholarship Festival Held By Lokalate As Event Marketing Strategy In Indonesia : Poac Analysis}, year={2021}, url={http://repository.lspr.ac.id/id/eprint/1009/}, abstract={The Lokalate delicious coffee owned by PT Nutrifood is one of a number of companies that often organize marketing events. Continuously in 3 years, this brand has supported an event called WISH (World Indonesia Scholarship) Festival, the first largest Scholarship activity in Indonesia. This study aims to describe the elements of planning, organizing, actuating, and controlling the factors that involved in the event which made them succeed, and the obstacles in the event using a descriptive qualitative type, using an in-depth interview with the organizer and the participant techniques and using source triangulation as a test of the validity of the data. In addition, the suitable paradigm to my study perspective is Interpretivism as it understands and interprets the phenomena. The results of the study found that event marketing held by Lokalate is not well prepared which causes several obstacles in the implementation process, both structural, cultural and functional. There are several things the company can do through improving the event management system, making detailed and comprehensive documentation.} }