@thesis{thesis, author={SHIDDIQ Todi Rahmat Ash}, title ={The Application Of Neuromarketing In Communication In Dealing With Doctors Toward Consumer Behaviour}, year={2020}, url={http://repository.lspr.ac.id/id/eprint/1173/}, abstract={"The research in this thesis would focused on the application of neuromarketing in communication in dealing with doctors toward consumer behavior, the research has a purpose to help the MedRep during the detailing session of the doctor. because many MedRep could not be able to understand the consumer behavior and stimulate the decision making process of the doctor. the neuromarketing in communication that the researcher applied in this research would revolve around the IPS-EQ model and the stimulation of the triune brain as stated by Paul Maclean (1990). There are 3 objectives of this research: the first is to understand how the neuromarketing can Help MedRep communication skill when dealing with the doctors, the second is to understand how neuromarketing contribute the process of understanding consumer behavior of the Doctor and the third is to understand the role of neuromarketing in stimulating the decision making process of the doctor. Theories that used in this research are personal communication, neuromarketing, IPS-EQ model, Layers of the brain, reptilian brain stimuli, consumer behavior and the decision making process in which serve as the guidance for the researcher in understanding as well as applying the neuromarketing in communication toward consumer behavior.The paradigm that the researcher used is constructivist, the methodology that the researcher used is using the qualitative approach. the researcher collected the data based on the primary data that obtained from the informant that conducted using semistructured interview and the secondary data in which based on the theory, journal and literature. The research would focus on exploring the informant experience on how they interact with the doctor. the interview of the informant would take place in Jakarta. The purpose of the interview with the informant is to gather evidence regarding their experience during detailing session with the doctor. Based on this research, the neuromarketing in communication could be able to help the MedRep during the detailing session with the doctor through the IPS-EQ model in which serve as the communication method in applying the neuromarketing in communication with the stimulation of the layers of the brain. From the stimulation of the layers of the brain in applying the neuromarketing in communication, the MedRep could be able to understand the consumer behavior as well as stimulate the decision making process of the doctor. however, the outcome of the detailing session cannot be measured in single detailing session as the MedRep needs to be able to follow ups and frequent detailing session with the doctor in order to achieve the desired outcome. Keywords: Neuromarketing, MedRep, Doctor, IPS-EQ Model"} }