@thesis{thesis, author={Khadiya Raninda Citasnitya}, title ={Analysis of Audience Perception towards Wardah Product Placement: A Case Study of Habibie Ainun Movie from The Perspective of Audience}, year={2019}, url={http://repository.lspr.ac.id/id/eprint/1205/}, abstract={Study on product placement in Habibie Ainun has been conducted previously which focus on the quality of the placement of the products featured where the research study stood from the point of view of movie party. To broaden up the exploration, this research study will be continued which will be more focused from the audience or ?reciever? side on analyzing how is the perception of audience towards Wardah product placement appeared in this movie, what process experienced when forming perception and what factors that can influence audience on the way of percieving. This research used qualitative methods with constructivism paradigm by interviewing threeinformants. The finding of this research is thataudiencehave different perceptions towardssame stimulus(Wardah product placement in Habibie Ainun) that are presented. Although the audience experience the same process of forming perception but the perceptions produced were different.This different perceptions produced caused by factors that can influence the way of perceiving. Keywords : Product Placement, Perception Proccess, Perception Factors} }