@thesis{thesis, author={Prawira Jonathan}, title ={Corporate Communication Between Gojek and Drivers Towards Partnership Concept (Case Study:Gojek's Self Registration Terms and Conditions)}, year={2019}, url={http://repository.lspr.ac.id/id/eprint/1238/}, abstract={The presence of Go-Jek is like an oasis in the midst of the poor public transportation systemin Indonesia. Go-Jek, today, becoming one of the most popular digital platformsbased on application in Indonesia.In the implementation of partnership?s agreement, the company was assumed (by any sources) apparently made many rules unilaterally which adversely affected the interests of the driver. Arguments arise among the drivers as Go-Jek?s partners that they prefer more appropriate agreement and laws to protect them. They demanded that their partnership position be clearly regulated in the Labor Bill. The driver had actually made a direct protest to the company. Unfortunately, the company seemsno response that letthe partnersfinally agreed to hold demonstrations.The research employed qualitative methods. This qualitative study utilized Partnership and Situational Theory of James Grunig by interviewing fiveinformants, consisting of HR,PR, LegalExpert, and the Driver itself. The finding of this research includesthe pro and cons amongExpertsand Driver regarding the ?self-registration terms and condition?simultaneously as the agreement between both parties. Finally, through deepinterviewwith the informants, there ispredictable issue identified particularly in communication behaviourmisleaded byGo-Jek to driversas business partners. Keywords: Corporate, Partnership, Situational, Driver, Partner} }