@thesis{thesis, author={Ristiana Agus}, title ={Strategy of the Public Relations Divisions of the Indonesian National Police in Dealling Hate Speech Issue on Social Media}, year={2019}, url={http://repository.lspr.ac.id/id/eprint/1239/}, abstract={This study examines strategies used by the Public Relations Division of the Indonesian National Policein handling hate speech on social media. Some utterances of hatred, messages that are considered crimes, wereanalyzed based on the perspective of Lasswell?s Communication Model.The responses by the Public Relations Division of the Indonesian National Police were also analyzed. The qualitative paradigm (Mouton &Waast, 2009) wasemployed in this study. ThePublicRelations Division of the Indonesian National Police Headquarter was selected to be observed because it is a work unit that has a vital role to communicate police?s purposes to the people. For the duty, the Public Relations Division of the Indonesian National Policesurely exposes some strategies of communication so that they can convey the police?s messages to the peopleappropriately. The data analysis technique used in this study included recording information from the informants. The informationconsists of testing, categorizing, or combining evidences to the original proposition of study (Yin, 2015: p. 133). The results show that Stagesofthe Indonesia National Police in tackling hate speech can be seen in the following systematics: a. Preventive Stages by Binmas/ Polmas (Community Policing), b. Repressive stages through criminal proceedings, c. If there is a social conflict refer to 1). Law concerning Social Conflict Managemen, 2) National Police Regulation concerning handling social conflicts. The program that is actualized by the public relations division covers three strategies are: a.Preemtive, such as: 1). Establishment of the Cyber Troops Team, 2). Intelejen Media (Colecting, analysis, evaluation, and profiling), 3). Cyber Infiltration. b. Preventif, such as : 1). Detect negative issues that contain hoax content, 2). Dissemination issue, 3). press release at the Police Media Center, 4). creating creative products and applications, 5). producing anti-hoax stamp, 6). exposing the social media accounts and the official website of the Indonesian National Police, 7). Giving a warning, c. Education, such as: 1). performing education, socialization, and seminars to several regions, 2). Naratif information and counter, 3). Coorperation to the Internal and external Element Keywords: Communication Strategy, Hate Speech, the Public Relations Division of the Indonesian National Police.} }