@thesis{thesis, author={Octaviani Sheren Jesslyn}, title ={The Influence Of Influencer Marketing Towards An Individual Buying Decision Of Quotex Binary Options}, year={2022}, url={http://repository.lspr.ac.id/id/eprint/126/}, abstract={Due to the presence of internet technology, society is becoming more and more developed. These developments are present in almost all areas, including in employment options. Since the internet, people's job choices have become more diverse and it can be said that making money through the internet is not something that is foreign to today's society. During the pandemic, almost all business sectors were affected, causing many people to be unemployed and only rely on the internet for their livelihood, one of which was through investment, one of which was Quotex binary options. Quotex binary options is here as an investment choice for the community to get quick and easy profits. They use the Influencer marketing strategy by collaborating with KOL to promote the Quotex binary options. Therefore, this study itself wants to see whether there is an influence between influencer marketing on individual purchasing decisions on Quotex binary options. The main theory used in this research is the theory of Two-step flow communicationi and the method used in this research is quantitative by distributing 105 questionnaires to the respondents. The findings of this study indicate that there is an influence between Influencer marketing on individual purchasing decisions for Quotex binary options. Keywords: Influencer Marketing, Quotex binary options, two-step flow communication theory.} }