@thesis{thesis, author={Maks Haydar}, title ={Interdepartmental Communication in State Bank of India Indonesia Concerning Anti-Money Laundering and Combating Financial Of Terrorism (AML-CFT) Training and Development Program}, year={2019}, url={http://repository.lspr.ac.id/id/eprint/1266/}, abstract={State Bank of India Indonesia is a foreignexchange bank, which drove its interdepartmental elements to be exposed to risks of money laundering and financing ofterrorism. One feasible effort to mitigate the risks is by facilitating training and development program. The issue grounding as the base of this study aroused from increasing number of training and development activities held in the Bank, which is in line with an escalating number of suspicious transactions. The data shall be first questioned and confirmed whether the number truly reflects the real number of ML-FT crimes or not. Furthermore, this qualitative study would reveal the and Coordinated Management of Meaning of internalized AML-CFT regime in the Bank by generating the knowledge of (1) how formal trainings formally deliver AML-CFT regime and (2) how outward communication practice is delivered by the front-liners after participating in the T&D program.The findings depicted minimum level of training and development system regulated by the Bank, which amongst others caused the front-liner to wrongly identify customers under groundless allegation. Meanwhile, the teller and customer service officers conveyed that there are formal and informal types of learnings. The former is facilitated by Compliance Division that enriched their knowledge on their job descriptions, meanwhile the informal sessions were learned through separate training by Operational Division as well as through weekly discussions, which aim to explicitly be coordinatively alerting potential ML-FT actors. The study ultimately stressed the importance of well-evaluated T&D program to embed shared meanings of the regime. Keywords: Interdepartmental Communication, Bank, Anti-Money Laundering and Combating Financing of Terrorism, Training and Development, Coordinated Management of Meaning.} }