@thesis{thesis, author={Kirana Anindya}, title ={Religiosity and Halal Certification : The Extension of Theory of Planned Behavior (Study Case: Almeera Detergent as Halal Non-Food FMCG Product)}, year={2018}, url={http://repository.lspr.ac.id/id/eprint/1284/}, abstract={The purpose of this study wasto examine the influence of attitude, subjective norm, and perceived behavioral control as three elements of Theory of Planned Behavior, together with religiosity, and halal certification, on purchase intention of Total Almeera, as the first and the only halal certified detergent in Indonesia. Using purposive sampling method, the questionnaire was distributed to members of Islamic Community in Masjid Darussalam, Depok, West Java. In total, 113 valid samples were usable for data analysis. Correlation and multiple regression analysis was used to test the model. The finding revealed that attitude, perceived behavioral control, and halal certification are significant factors in predicting customers? intention to purchase Total Almeera as a halal detergent. Subjective norm and religiosity do not affect purchase intention significantly. This research gives theoretical contribution, as this is the first research extending Theory of Planned Behavior with religiosity and halal certification, and focusing on specific brand of detergent as a non-food FMCG product} }