@thesis{thesis, author={Putra Ignatius Dimas Aditya}, title ={Pengaruh Electronic Word Of Mouth Dan Customer Satisfaction Terhadap Brand Reputation Pada Mcdonald’s Indonesia / The Effects Of Electronic Word Of Mouth And Customer Satisfaction On Brand Reputation For Mcdonald’s Indonesia}, year={2022}, url={http://repository.lspr.ac.id/id/eprint/933/}, abstract={Up until recently McDonald?s announced that they released a collab product with BTS worldwide, that also includes Indonesia. When the product launched in July, many of the fans (ARMY) as well as normal customer were hoping to get and try this newproduct. In reality, there?s only a number of customers that were able to get the collab product. This predicament thus makes customer talk in online about situation regarding the collab product. The purporse of this research is to find out the impact of electronic word of mouth and customer satisfaction to brand reputationon McDonald?s Indonesia.This research includes concepts such E-WOM, customer satisfaction, and brand reputation and S-O-R theory. The methodologyused in the thesis is quantitative with total respondents of 100 respondents with purposive sampling asthetechniquesusedand questionnaire distribution. The research also using correlation test and path analysis test. The results indicate that E-WOM has adirect and positive effect on customer satisfaction and brand reputation. Meanwhile, customer satisfaction has no direct and positive effect on brand reputation.} }