@thesis{thesis, author={Yulita Odelia}, title ={The Gastronomic Communication Of Chocolate Monggo As The Result Of Intercultural Fusion}, year={2022}, url={http://repository.lspr.ac.id/id/eprint/943/}, abstract={Gastronomic communication studies are currently still inthe early stageand will gradually grow amidthe newesttrend of food culture. Chocolate Monggo as a chocolatierthat raises awareness on real chocolate and the local culture has been the pioneer of the appearance of brand-new artisan chocolate brands. This research aimed at discovering the international and local culture that constitute Chocolate Monggo and the advocacy done by it regarding gastronomic communication. This research applied semiotics by Sebeokof symptom, signal, icon, index, symbol, and name to discover the intercultural fusion of Chocolate Monggo. The gastronomic communication of food and culture would be narrated from the data found on Chocolate Monggo?s website, book, social media, and news coverage. The paradigm employed wasconstructivismsincethe researcher constructed the interpretation of the culturebased on the social constructionwith qualitative analysis. The finding of this research includedthe local culture?s dominance in Chocolate Monggo?s gastronomic communicationfrom name, index, icon, and symbol elements. Further,products attributesand company values showed Chocolate Monggo?s identity as a local product. This research concluded that even though Chocolate Monggo still brought international cultural elements from the owner?s Belgian background for high-quality chocolate, it supports local cocoa farmersand advocates a local culture of Indonesian cuisine and arts.} }