@thesis{thesis, author={GUNAWAN RIO}, title ={RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT FINAL PROJECT PIMILADA BELL PEPPER JAM PROCESSED BELL PEPPER INTO A RICH VITAMIN C JAM}, year={2017}, url={http://repository.ottimmo.ac.id/153/}, abstract={Pimilada is a yellow bell pepper jam food product. We all know that jams are frequently made of sweet ingredients only. It is uncommon to make a jam with savory ingredients. These days, the market challenges us to be creative and innovative at the industry and we here to take that challenge. Bell pepper also had lot of benefits for us and we try to package those benefits in a jar. Why we choose Pimilada as our food product name? Pimilada stands for two Mexican words, first ?pimiento? which means bell pepper, second ?mermelada? which means jam. There is no certain reason why we choose Mexican words as our name. We just love it. We see a lot of chances in this food product. We don?t want to waste those opportunities. High quality product is our priorities. That is the reason why we choose the best quality ingredients only to make a high quality bell pepper jam. We are not only talking about the quality of the ingredients, we also believe our process in the making of Pimilada jam is the best. Being creative in the industry nowadays is a must. By being a yellow bell pepper jam producer we also want to inspire people around us to be creative. We also want the other believe that there are still lots of stuff that can be explore. In the future, we hope we can be the leader of the savory jam industry.} }