@thesis{thesis, author={Iman Nadia}, title ={Research and Development Final Project "Pineapple Leaf Tea Crown Tea"}, year={2020}, url={http://repository.ottimmo.ac.id/458/}, abstract={Health has been an important aspect to maintain in life, where consuming food and drinks hold a major role in determining health condition and types of lifestyle people choose. In consuming goods, there will always be waste that is produced after using. However, the amount of food waste produced annually in Indonesia is in the staggering amount of 300 kg and was deemed the second-largest food waster after India. With the desire to invent healthy goods as well as utilizing food waste in Indonesia, ExoTeac found the solution to both problems. Crown Tea, a pineapple leaf-based tea, was created by ExoTeac for the people who wants to improve their quality of life. Pineapples are one of the largest fruits produced in Indonesia, with large production comes large waste, especially the crown or leaves of the pineapple. ExoTeac collects the remaining waste to be reprocessed and utilized its usage in the form of tea. Surprisingly, pineapple leaves come with plentiful benefits. It contains is calorie, carbohydrate and sugar free, which is consumable for people of all age. Using the opportunity to create delicious and healthy tea from a pineapple waste, ExoTeac also decided to pack Crown Tea in a minimalist, clean and modern paper bag, where this kind of style is very popular among young people. This will encourage young people to buy Crown Tea, where they can feel the benefits when consuming, especially those who are still in growing period of life} }