@thesis{thesis, author={Destrianawati Ivon}, title ={CULINARY INNOVATION AND NEW PRODUCT DEVELOPMENT FINAL PROJECT VEGETARIAN BREADFRUIT BATAGOR}, year={2021}, url={http://repository.ottimmo.ac.id/583/}, abstract={Vegetarian Breadfruit Batagor is a breadfruit-based food that is processed into Batagor snacks for vegetarian people. I realize that in Indonesia itself, there is still lack of variation in the processing of breadfruit. Breadfruit is generally processed into fried, steam and chips only. There are still very few breadfruit variations in other forms of food. Therefore, I want to create another variation in breadfruit food that healthy, nutritious and also delicious. Vegetarian breadfruit Batagor will be packed into a plastic cup and every cup will contain 90 g Batagor and 75 g sauce and will we sold at IDR 15.000/ cup.} }