@thesis{thesis, author={Halim Belinda}, title ={RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT FINAL PROJECT NASTAR WITH BEETROOT FLOUR}, year={2022}, url={http://repository.ottimmo.ac.id/618/}, abstract={Goldy Nastar is a potential business with local pineapple raw materials taken from Indonesian farmers. Nastar is a pastry or pastry that comes from the Dutch language, namely ananas or pineapple and tart or pai which means pineapple tart cake. Pineapple is also rich in antioxidants, B vitamins, zinc and others. I named it Goldy Nastar because the yellow color obtained from the re- baked egg yolk brushed makes the nastar look very attractive. Nastar will be packaged in a box which will be wrapped in plastic again containing the Goldy Nastar logo screen printing and will be sold at a price of Rp. 140,000 Later, we will develop this nastar into many variation and this nastar can be purchase at our Social media / E-commerce.} }