@thesis{thesis, author={Nugroho Raihan Prasetyo}, title ={RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT FINAL PROJECT MEDINILLA LEATHER (PARIJATA HEALTHY SNACKS)}, year={2022}, url={http://repository.ottimmo.ac.id/620/}, abstract={Medinilla Leather is a fruit leather product made from parijata fruit. This idea arose when I consulted with lecturer Ottimmo International. Seeing Indonesia's great opportunity for this product, therefore I immediately explored a lot about fruit leather and fruit parijata. When consuming Medinilla Leather, it will taste sour, sweet and it has a soft texture. This product belongs to the healthy food group. Medinilla Leather will be packaged in eco plastic. The weight of each product is 5 grams and is sold at a price of Rp. 38,000. In the future this product will be developed gradually. This product can be found in supermarkets and social media} }