@thesis{thesis, author={Daenglompo Justin Jeremy}, title ={RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT FINAL PROJECT VEGETARIAN SORFHUM FETTUCCINE BOLOGNESE}, year={2022}, url={http://repository.ottimmo.ac.id/632/}, abstract={The idea to make Vegetarian Sorghum Fettuccine Bolognese is to change the perspective of people that healthy food can be tasty too. On the other hand, to promote sorghum as an alternative food source other than rice, since not many people know about the existence of sorghum. The main ingredients that I use is different than other pasta. Instead of using all purpose flour, or semolina flour, I use gluten free flour, in this case Sorghum flour. Since it is a vegetarian dish, I don?t use meat at all. I swap the minced beef to champignon mushroom as the protein in the sauce. The product will be packed in a sealed plastic contain 100g of sorghum pasta and 210g of Bolognese sauce. The product will be sold at IDR21.000. The product will be sold as frozen food.} }