@thesis{thesis, author={IQNA AL MUSYADDAD}, title ={MENURUNNYA KERJA KOMPRESOR PADA SISTEM MESIN PENDINGIN BAHAN MAKANAN DI KAPAL MT. GAMALAMA}, year={2018}, url={http://repository.pip-semarang.ac.id/1010/}, abstract={Iqna Al Musyaddad, NIT. 51145413.T, 2018?Decresed performing compressor refrigerant on the ship MT.Gamalama?, Program Diploma IV, Technical, Marchant Marine Polytechnic of Semarang, 1st Supervision: H. Sumarno PS, MM., M.Mar.E and 2nd Supervision: Tony Santiko, S.ST., M.Si. A vessel in the voyage requires a sufficient and long-lasting supply of food for the crew of the ship. Considering that food plays an important role in longdistance shipping, to make long-lasting foodstuffs require auxiliary aircraft called refrigerator that serve to preserve food on board. The refrigerator is a machine capable of working to produce cold temperatures or temperatures by working to absorb unhealthy heat in a room. The purpose of this research is to be able to know what causes the decreasing of compressor power in refrigerant system. The method that used in this scription is fishbone analysis and fault tree analysis as a method to determine the factors of the problem and events that have in the problem. The formulation of the problem for this research are what?s factors that decresed performing compressor refrigerant on the ship and impacts, and efforts made to optimize the power of compressor. Research happening decreased power compressor cooling engine system, the authors can conclude the factors that cause decreased power compressor e.i brokrn piston ring, reduction piston and oversize cylinder liner. The impact that occurs when the compressor power is declining, namely the rise in room temperature cooler that serves to preserve foodstuffs and attempts to optimize the power of the refrigerant system compressor with care in accordance with the instuction manual book. Key Words : Degresed, Compressor, Refrigerant} }