@thesis{thesis, author={SUKMA EDEN ZULVICKAR}, title ={IMPLEMENTASI ISPS CODE DI MV. PAITON II}, year={2017}, url={http://repository.pip-semarang.ac.id/1029/}, abstract={ABSTRACK Sukma Eden Zulvickar, 2017, NIT : 49124398. N, ?Implementation ISPS Code in MV. Paiton II?, thesis Nautical Studies Program, Diploma Program IV, Merchant Marine Polytechnic of Semarang, Supervisor I : Capt. Bambang Purnomo, M.Mar. Supervisor II : Drs. Marmin, MM. ISPS Code are the provisions and procedures to prevent acts of terrorism that threaten the security of passengers, crew and ship. Negligence crew in charge of the ship security can result in danger. Therefore, the required knowledge and discipline of the crew trained and guaranteed in maintaining security on board, in accordance with the ISPS Code security system. In this observation the authors use research uses qualitative research by using descriptive method to describe or painting in a clear and systematic, factual and accurate about the facts and the properties associated with the phenomenon investigated. Thus, in the writing on the can picture systematic efforts are being made to implementing ISPS Code is well on board. The results obtained to overcome the problem of lack of knowledge of the crew in order to optimize the implementation of the ISPS Code in MV. Paiton II, the best solution is by providing training and exercise routine and scheduled. And the best solution to overcome the problem of lack of discipline of the crew in implementing the ISPS Code in MV. Paiton II is giving reward and punishment in return for work performance crew. Keywords: Implementation, ISPS Code} }