@thesis{thesis, author={IRA SIGIT PRADIKTA}, title ={UPAYA MENURUNKAN TEKANAN PADA TANGKI MUATAN GUNA KELANCARAN PROSES PEMUATAN DI KAPAL LPG/C GAS WALIO}, year={2017}, url={http://repository.pip-semarang.ac.id/1033/}, abstract={Ira Sigit Pradikta, 2017, NIT: 49124450.N, "Efforts to Reduce Pressure On Cargo Tank In Ship LPG / C Gas Walio", Thesis Program Nautical Studies, Diploma Program IV, Polytechnic Studies Sailing Semarang, mentors I: Capt. Moh. Aziz Rohman, M.M, Supervisor II: Ir. Fitri Kensiwi Transporting of LPG in fully refrigerated vessel require spesific handling in relation to temperature and pressure of cargo tank so that cargo tank is well prepared to be loaded. So it is need to know how to handle temperature and pressure of cargo tank in loading and its obstacles which is influence it and effort to overcome it. As for the basic theory states that LPG in atmospheric pressure will evaporate in very low temperature, they are -42.30C for propane -0.50C for butane. Therefore temperature and pressure in cargo tank must be in stable to maintain LPG in liquid. In this paper, writer use qualitatif methode, and collecting data by observing object directly, interviewing a number of respondents and supported by documentation method. According to the result of research, in handling temperature dan pressure of cargo tank are carried on by running reliquefaction system in preparing cargo tank, make cargo tank well prepared to be loaded, keep attention of temperature and pressure changes in cargo tank in loading. Whereas the obstacles such as warm cargo from mother ship and reliquefaction system run with less than optimal caused by disturbance of cargo condenser dan sea water pump. So the efforts to overcome it by communicating with mother ship officer soon and connecting vapour return line in loading. By carrying out the procedure of cooling the tank prior to loading the cargo tank pressure is expected to be ready to be loaded, so that loading activities can run smoothly and the company did not experience losses due to disruption of ship operations such as delays would unloading process for loading process is too long. Key word: LPG fully refrigerated, temperature and pressure of cargo tanks, loading} }