@thesis{thesis, author={ADE ANDRIANTO EKA PALAWA}, title ={EFEKTIVITAS PENGEMBANGAN SARANA DAN PRASARANA DERMAGA GUNA MENUNJANG KELANCARAN ARUS BARANG DI PELABUHAN ARAR SORONG}, year={2017}, url={http://repository.pip-semarang.ac.id/104/}, abstract={ABSTRACT Ade Andrianto Eka Palwa, 49124677 K, 2017, “Efektifitas Pengembangan Sarana dan Prasarana Dermaga Guna Menunjang Kelancaran Arus Barang di Pelabuhan Arar Sorong”, Diploma IV, Port and Shipping Management, Semarang Merchant Marine Polytechnic, Preceptors : (1) Sri Suyanti, S.S., M.Si (II) Purwantono, S. Psi., M.Pd This research aims to know the efforts that have been done related parties in the Port of Arar Sorong in the development of facilities and infrastructure, then the constraints experienced when the development process took place and to know the readiness of port to the flow of goods that will increase in the future. As for the background of this writing because the port is a gateway for trade between countries and domestic. The port is the point where land and sea transport conclude to transfer large quantities of goods from ship to land transportation, therefore port facilities and infrastructure are very influential on the quality and readiness of a port. This research was conducted at Port Authority of Class I Sorong. This research uses qualitative method which produce descriptive data in the form of written words and pictures. Technique of collecting data is done by observation, interview, literature study. The results of observation, interview, and literature study used to know the incident in the field and to answer the problem formulation descriptively. The data and documents obtained from port authority are then used for data analysis process. The data were analyzed qualitatively through the steps of data reduction, data presentation, drawing conclusion. The results show several attempts to build new quay and their facilities. Then the obstacles encountered are cost factors and people near around the place. Then about the readiness of Arar Sorong port is known that it is enough to accommodate the flow of goods in the future. Keywords: Port, Facilities, Infrastructure} }