@thesis{thesis, author={ANINDYA RAHMATIKA AZMI}, title ={OPTIMALISASI PROSES PENAMBATAN MT.PEGADEN DI SBM (SINGLE BUOY MOORING) BALONGAN}, year={2017}, url={http://repository.pip-semarang.ac.id/1098/}, abstract={Anindya Rahmatika Azmi, 49124436 N, ?The Optimization Of Berthing Process Of MT.Pegaden in SBM (Single Buoy Mooring) Balongan?. Diploma IV Program Nautical Department Semarang Merchant Marine Polytechnic Material supervisor (I): Capt. Arika Palapa, M.Si, M.Mar, Methodology supervisor (II): Nita Setiyaningsih, S.Pd, M.Hum. The berthing process of a vessel depends on many factors, such as vessel engine, winch power, weather and must pay attention for setting tross rope to make sure that vessel can berth in good condition, because problems can cause damage for vessel and environment. The things to be concerned so that berthing process can progress optimally is by avoiding and minimizing factors that caused berthing process cannot be optimal. Based on the author?s experience during sea project on the MT.Pegaden, there are a lot of problems that happen during berthing process in Single Buoy Mooring Balongan, so the author was interested in observing and analyzing factors that caused berthing process cannot be optimal using two methods, there are fishbone analysis to map the problems and Strength, Weakness, Opportunity, Threat (SWOT) method as a problem solving strategies. The use of fishbone analysis is to map the cause factors of berthing process not to be optimal, it is divided into 6 parts there are machine, method, material, man, milieu and measure. After divided into 6 part based on the cause from internal factor and external factor used IFAS and EFAS, it is followed by implementation of Strength, Weakness, Opportunity, Threat (SWOT) method to combine the results in order to get the most effective strategy so that the berthing process can be optimal. Key word : Optimization, berthing, Single Buoy Mooring, Balongan} }