@thesis{thesis, author={ADYMAS AGUSTYA PRABOWO}, title ={ANALISIS PENGARUH KONDISI PENGABUTAN TERHADAP KINERJA MESIN INDUK DI MV. SINAR SOLO}, year={2017}, url={http://repository.pip-semarang.ac.id/110/}, abstract={ABSTRACT Adymas Agustya Prabowo, 2017, NIT : 50134899.T ”The analysis of the effect of fuel to the main engine performance on MV. Sinar Solo”, minithesis of Technical Program, Diploma IV Program, Merchant Marine Polythecnic Semarang, Supervising professor I: H. Amad Narto, M.Pd, M.Mar.E and Supervising professor II: H. Suharso, SH, S.Pd, SE, MM The absorption comes from an incomplete combustion process in the cylinder. Lack of cylinder combustion in result of decreasing fuel pressure. In this case the author would like to describe problem analysis about the effect of injection on the performance of the parent machine. The method used is the method of Urgency, Seriousness, Growth, which is one tool to arrange the order of priority issues to be solved, by determining the level of urgency, seriousness, and the development of issues by determining 1 - 5 or 1 - 10. Data collection techniques are done through Observation, documentation and literature study directly on subjects relating to the effect of fogging on the parent machine. There are many causes of the influence of vapors on the vessel of MV. Sinar Solo, from the causes are analyzed to find the basic cause. In MV. Sinar Solo, the effect of the ignition is caused by the injector fuel is less than the maximum and fuel quality is less good. Fuel and injector are components in the combustion process inside the cylinder, if one of these components does not meet the criteria then the combustion inside the cylinder becomes imperfect and the fogging does not run optimally. From abstraction above the writer can conclude the fuel absorption caused by several factors such as fuel injector less than the maximum, the quality of fuel is not good, the fuel pump work is not good Keywords ; injection, injector, fuel} }