@thesis{thesis, author={ANGGA WARDIANSYAH M}, title ={FAKTOR-FAKTOR PENYEBAB KERUSAKAN HATCH COVER YANG BERAKIBAT TERLAMBATNYA PROSES BONGKAR MUAT DI MV. DK 02}, year={2018}, url={http://repository.pip-semarang.ac.id/571/}, abstract={ABSTRACT Angga Wardiansyah M, 2018, NIT: 50134802. N, ‘’Factors causing hatch cover damage which resulted in delayed loading and unloading process in MV. DK 02”, Essay of Nautical Department, Diploma IV Program, Politeknik Ilmu Pelayaran Semarang, First Supervisor: Capt. Ali Imran Ritonga, M.M, M.Mar, Second Supervisor: Adi Oktavianto, ST, M.M Hydraulic piston on hatch cover is one of the tools having an extremely vital role for a bulk carrier vessel, especially for one with a side-rolling type of its hatch cover. Hydraulic piston functions to lift the wheel up on a hatch cover so the wheel can be parallel with the line and the hatch cover can be opened. Although the work system of hydraulic piston is merely simple, but if it leaks, it will create a big impact. One of the impacts caused by the leakage of hydraulic piston is the delay of the loading and discharging process due to the hatch cover cannot be opened perfectly. Even company and charterer run into disadvantage, both time and material. While the ship was in Tanung Intan, Cilacap, there were a lot of hydraulic piston leakages on the hatch cover due to cold season so the discharging process was delayed for 2 days. Therefore, there was an importance of observing the influence of hydraulic piston leakage on the hatch cover towards the effectiveness of loading and discharging in MV. DK 02. The aim of this observation is to know about the main cause of the hydraulic piston leakage on the hatch cover in MV. DK 02. Besides, this observation aims to know about the effort to prevent the hydraulic piston leakage on its hatch cover, in order to make the loading discharging process runs well. This observation used the descriptive method by describing in details of delayed loading/discharging process due to hydraulic piston leakage on MV. DK 02. The result of the observation shows that the cause of hydraulic piston leakage on the hatch cover in MV. DK 02 is the lack of regular checks and maintenance when opening the hatch cover that is not suitable with the procedure and the replacement of the spare part that has not been done on the hydraulic piston component that is not proper anymore. The effort to prevent the leakage of hydraulic piston on the hatch cover is by checking and maintaining regularly and periodically and by giving instruction to the crew about the operation while opening the hatch cover and replacing the component of the not feasible hydraulic piston. Keywords: Hydraulic piston, Hatch Cover.} }