@thesis{thesis, author={TRI KURNIA HARI UTOMO}, title ={OPTIMALISASI KERJA GRAVITY DISC UNTUK MENCEGAH OVERFLOW PADA PURIFIER FUEL OIL DI MT. GREEN STARS}, year={2018}, url={http://repository.pip-semarang.ac.id/582/}, abstract={Tri Kurnia Hari Utomo, 2018, NIT : 50135011.T, ?Optimalisasi kerja gravity disc untuk mencegah overflow pada purifier fo di MT. Green Stars?, skripsi Program Studi Teknika, Program Diploma IV, Politeknik Ilmu Pelayaran Semarang, Pembimbing I: Agus Hendro Waskito., M.M., M.Mar.E. dan Pembimbing II: Ir. Fitri Kensiwi. To support the smooth netting of a diesel engine requires fuel with good quality to generate power and achieving efficiency that requires an purifier. But on board the MT. Green Stars at the time of the author's practice of marine purifier overflow so that the work of cleaning fuel is not optimal. The purpose of this study to discuss the causes of decline in gravity disc work on the purifier. The method used in this study is a qualitative method with the analysis (SWOT) Strength Weaknesses Opportunities Threats, which is a form of situation analysis by identifying various factors systematically against strengths (strenghts), weaknesses (weaknesses), opportunities (opportunities), and threats (threats) from the environment to formulate the strategy to be taken. Technique of data collecting done by observation, literature study directly to subject related to gravity disc purifier fuel oil. The results of the research can, then the authors can conclude that, not optimal work gravity disc to prevent overflow on fuel oil purifier in MT. Green Stars is too hot heater purifier, the company in providing spare parts not suitable standart. The impact of the heater is too hot the viscosity of the type of gravity does not match the gravity disc so that it overflows, the gravity disc component is quickly broken after being attached to the purifier. Efforts in doing Decrease the temperature of the heater and always control 15 minutes once the purifier is in operation, and return or re-request the appropriate gravity disc standard to the company. Keyword : Gravity disc, heater, overflow, purifier fo} }