@thesis{thesis, author={ALFREDA REDYA SAMUDRA YUHENTRA}, title ={IDENTIFIKASI PENYEBAB TURUNNYA KINERJA MESIN CONVEYOR AKIBAT TIDAK NORMALNYA ROLLER YANG MEMPENGARUHI PROSES KELANCARAN BONGKAR MUAT DI KM. ADHIGUNA TARAHAN DENGAN METODE FAULT TREE ANALYSIS}, year={2016}, url={http://repository.pip-semarang.ac.id/595/}, abstract={Alfreda Redya Samudra Yuhentra, 2017, NIT : 49124563.T, “Identifikasi Penyebab Turunnya Kerja Mesin Conveyor Akibat Tidak Normalnya Roller Yang Mempengaruhi Proses Kelancaran Bongkar Muat Di KM. Adhiguna Tarahan dengan metode fault tree analisys”, skripsi Program Studi Teknika, Program Diploma IV, Politeknik Ilmu Pelayaran Semarang, Pembimbing I : Achmad Wahyudiono, M.M., M.Mar.E., Pembimbing II : Tony Santiko,S.ST., M.Si. For a smooth course of the process of loading and unloading at the port one of the most important of which is the performance of the machine conveyor to move cargo into the hold. Because if it does not work on the machine conveyor either will affect the course of the process of loading and unloading. Given the performance of the machine conveyor are continuously working on the machine when unloading the conveyor must always be in normal condition. This thesis research, conducted in the ship di KM. Adhiguna Tarahan, which is present on board the machine conveyor. In this vessel, the authors plunge straight into it that is doing research. The purpose of the author makes this thesis is to increase knowledge about the causes of the decline in the working machine conveyor due to abnormal roller affecting the smooth process of loading and unloading at the port, to add insight into how important the role of the roller machined conveyor in the process of loading and unloading and also to determine factors - any factor resulting in abnormal roller, the impact of what happens if it is not normally machined roller conveyor, and what is being done to address not in the normal roller conveyor machine. So that this paper can be useful for interested parties. In operation, conveyor machine sometimes impaired. Factors causing abnormal corrosion conveyor roller machine, bearing problems, lack of lubrication and pelumasanya that do not fit. The impact that occurs when the roller on the conveyor machine not disrupt normal traffic and unloading at the port and losses on the company due to the increasing operational cost. Efforts are being made to overcome the normal no roller by way of treatments, such as: Preventive Maintenance Predictive Maintenance and Corrective Maintenance. Keywords: Conveyor Machine, Issue on the roller conveyor, FTA.} }