@thesis{thesis, author={DESI PERMATASARI}, title ={OLAH GERAK KAPAL MT.ANGGRAINI EXCELLENT PADA SAAT MEMASUKI ALUR PELAYARAN SEMPIT DI SUNGAI KAPUAS}, year={2017}, url={http://repository.pip-semarang.ac.id/603/}, abstract={Desi Permatasari, 2017, 49124348. N, "Manouver Of Vessel MT.Anggraini Exccelent When Entering Narrow Channel in Kapuas River" Diploma Program IV of Nautical Department, Merchant Marine Polytechnic Semarang, Supervisor Material (I): Capt. H. S. Sumardi., SH., MM., MMar, Supervisor Methodology and Writing (II): Drs. Edy Warsopurnomo., MM., MMarE In movement to entering the narrow shipping line or river needed specific skill and more attention than sailing in opean sea. Moreover IMO in Colreg’s rules give specific attention which included in Rule 9 of the narrow shipping channel. Beside the problem of wide line and depth of river, like collision and ran aground In writing this essay, the author describe the theory of realization manouver entering Kapuas river line in production of observation reprt and as based to solve the problem. This observation using qualitative method which proceed descriptive data such as written words from observed object, in this case collect data like doing interview to experienced sources, through data that relate to manouver entering Kapuas river in MT.Anggraini Excellent. The author will identificated the caused by knowing the characteristic of Kapuas river, the characteristic of manouver MT.Anggraini Excellent which can obstacie the movement when entering the narrow line in Kapuas river, and identification part non-physically system include the procedure and the rules. After identificated the limited caused movement vessel when entering Kapuas river line, the next is can be doing an observation to know the factors that caused limited of movement. By doing this observation, so that every crew will be more carefull doing every act and doing every decision to move in safety condition, effectively and efficiently, knowing the things that can not be tolerance so that can doing risk mitigation, to decrease or losing all risk that can be happen along movement process. So the goal of navigation by safety, faster and exactly right can be realized. Keyword : Movement of vessel , grounding} }