@thesis{thesis, author={EKA VILAYATI AKBAR}, title ={ANALISA OLAH GERAK KAPAL UNTUK MEMPERTAHANKAN POSISI PADA SAAT OPERASI ANCHOR HANDLING DEPLOY FLOATING BUOY MTR-2 DI AHTS. DIAN HORIZON}, year={2017}, url={http://repository.pip-semarang.ac.id/606/}, abstract={Eka Vilayati Akbar, 2017, NIT. 49124380.N, “ Analyze Ship Maneuvering to Maintain Position During Anchor Handling Deploy Floating Buoy mtr-2 in AHTS. Dian Horizon” Nautical Departement Scription, D IV Program. Semarang Mercant Marine Polytechnic, Advisor : (I) Capt. I Kadek Laju, SH, MM, M.Mar. (II) Sri Murdiwati, S.Sos, M.Si Anchor handling is special action for offshore vessel specially AHTS. This job have risk and dangerous. In maneuver at AHTS vessel when anchor handling there is some factor can invoived the accident. Beside that the other important is how to maneuver to holding position when anchor handling. From that writer take a problem from will be discuss in this scription there is, How this ship maneuvering to maintain position during anchor handling deploy floating buoy mtr-2. Problem and what factors are encountered when anchor handling deploy floating buoy mtr-2. This analyze methode used by writer is deskriptifkualitatif for explain the object. The step to have the data. The data taked by writer is used primer and sekunder data that for back up for this scription. From this problem form, writer take a conclution besides the real condition in AHTS. Dian Horizon when ship maneuvering to maintain during anchor handling deploy floating buoy mtr-2 have much problem like the design of the vessel, the condition of main engine and bow bow thruster, the crew di bad procedures include the skill of crew and also external factor like weather condition wind,current, and wave. So the action taken is right position under current and back the buoy, control the power of engine and bow thruster in order the vessel stay in the position and than plotting at time for make sure the vessel position doesn’t change. Key word : Anchor Job, Vessel position, Floating Buoy} }