@thesis{thesis, author={HENDRA WIYANTO}, title ={OPTIMALISASI PRODUKSI UAP PADA KETEL BANTU GUNA MEMENUHI KEBUTUHAN UAP DI MT. GAS INDONESIA DENGAN METODE FISHBONE DAN HAZOP}, year={2017}, url={http://repository.pip-semarang.ac.id/615/}, abstract={Hendra Wiyanto, NIT. 49124541. T, 2017 "Optimization of Steam Production In Auxiliary Boiler Steam in order to meet demands for MT. Gas Indonesia with Fishbone and HAZOP methods", Diploma Program IV, Teknika, Politeknik Ilmu Pelayaran Semarang, Supervisor I: Heri Sularno, M.H., M.Mar.E and Supervisor II: Adi Oktavianto, S.T., M.M. Boiler auxiliary heat is one tool that has an important role for fluency operation of the ship. Boiler is often encountered divided into fire tube boiler and water tube boiler. Today the water tube boiler is more widely used than the fire tube boiler for easier maintenance and have a high efficiency. Therefore auxiliary boiler needs to be treated properly, it will be more influenced on the production and quality of the steam produced. The purpose of this research is as to think about and input for the reader to better understand and be aware that the maintenance on the ignition system is very affects the production of steam produced from a boiler auxiliaries. Implementation of this research is done in the object investigational is the auxiliary boiler was in the engine room. Where authors gather available resources on board and books in this research. The reduced performance of the burner can be caused by a variety of factors that can result in low production of steam production. So to prevent the decrease in performance of the burner combustion system perform maintenance on regularly according to manual book. If there is a decrease steam production caused by the system immediately make repairs on the combustion system that has the problem. The keyword : auxiliary boilers, combustion system, optimization of production steam.} }