@thesis{thesis, author={MUHAMMAD FAHMI AZADIN}, title ={OPTIMALISASI PENGOPERASIAN ELECTRONIC CHART DISPLAY AND INFORMATION SYSTEM (ECDIS) DALAM UPAYA PENINGKATAN KESELAMATAN PELAYARAN DI MV. JINGU}, year={2017}, url={http://repository.pip-semarang.ac.id/636/}, abstract={Azadin, Muhammad Fahmi. 2016. Optimalization Of The Operation Of Electronic Chart Display And Information System (ECDIS) In An Attempt To Enhance Safety Passage In MV. JINGU. Minithesis. Deck Department, Program of Diploma IV, Politeknik Ilmu Pelayaran Semarang. Adviser I: Capt. I Kadek Laju, S.H., M.M., Adviser II: Yustina Sapan, S.ST., M.M. Electronic Chart Display And Information System (ECDIS) is a navigational equipment that is an electronic chart that comply with updated requirements of chart in SOLAS convention 1974 V/20 which can be integrated with other navigational equipments so that obtained position and navigational informations for the deck officers to do passage planning and monitoring of the voyage. MV. JINGU is a vessel which uses ECDIS as a main navigational equipment where there are two ECDISs operated as master and backup. Purpose of this research is to find out how far ECDIS has been operated in MV. JINGU and how to optimalize the operation of ECDIS for the safe passage in MV. JINGU. Method used in this research is qualitative method that used descriptive way through words and language to explain problems or phenomenon which are being investigated. Descriptive type of research used to analyze problems by describe phenomenon, incident, and case happened. Data collected through writer observation during research, literature review, and documentation review. Result of this research shows that the specification of both ECDIS in MV. JINGU have complied with the requirements of Standard Performance for ECDIS by IMO resolution A.817 (19) and other regulation in SOLAS 1974 Consolidated Edition 2009 Chapter V such as rule 2, 18, 19, and 27. Activities done with ECDIS in MV. JINGU are passage planning, monitoring, updating, and ECDIS familiarisation. Some obstacles found in the operation of ECDIS in MV. JINGU as followed during manual position fixing, the difference of other vessel’s data with RADAR/ARPA, unavailability of ENC’s permit used for passage planning and the unsatisfying performance of back up ECDIS. As an electronic equipment, of course ECDIS has limitations that navigator need to be aware of. It will lead to dangerous situation if navigator has an over reliance to ECDIS. Therefore, the limitations of ECDIS have to be understood and anticipated by navigator to eliminate faults which could cause a vessel accident. Keywords: electronic chart, safety voyage.} }