@thesis{thesis, author={BILLY AIRIO}, title ={PELAKSANAAN JADWAL DAN LATIHAN PERAN MENINGGALKAN KAPAL YANG SESUAI DENGAN SOLAS DAN NYK SMS MANUAL GUNA MENINGKATKAN KESELAMATAN JIWA DI. MV NYK LAURA}, year={2017}, url={http://repository.pip-semarang.ac.id/645/}, abstract={ABSTRACT Billy Airio, 2018, NIT: 50134869 N, “Scheduling and abandonship drill based on SOLAS and NYK SMS Manual to improve the safety of human on MV. NYK Laura”, Program Studi Diploma IV, Politeknik Ilmu Pelayaran Semarang, Pembimbing I: Capt. Samsul Huda, M.M., M.Mar., Pembimbing II: Sri Suyanti, SS, M.Si. On the marine emergency situation always threatening everytime, the seaman must have a readiness and got refend every emergency situation on board. The problems regarding with this essay are how a scheduling drill and abandon ship drill, and any situation which can cause scheduling and abandonship drill on board is not optimize. The method serve used is qualitative, in to set the priority problem to done, serve use a alat pendekatan is SWOT metodh (Strength, Weakness, Opportunities, Thereats) with give nilai 1-5. The source data who writer used is primary data source and secondary, while the method to got a conclusion which the writer used is with compare the fact situation with yield teory who writer examine. Fron reaserch yield which do finded some obstacle that there still abk who not ready, less skill and less aware from abk in follow abandon ship drill. Analysis from observe among is efforts which can do to opitime scheduling drill and abandon ship drill. Writer conclusion efforts which can do between that through briefing or safety meeting, increase skill and familirisasi about how use and function safety tools on abandon ship drill., also give control on scheduling drill and abandon ship drill. The conclusion from this skripsi is scheduling drill and abandon ship drill which not suitable with SOLAS and NYK SMS Manual, and less discipline and knowledge abk in follow abandon ship drill. So suggestion is scheduling drill and abandon ship drill is suitable with SOLAS and NYK SMS Manual. Key word: Safety, scheduling and abandonship drill.} }