@thesis{thesis, author={ROMARIO ANGGORO SATRIYO}, title ={OPTIMALISASI PLAN MAINTENANCE SYSTEM DALAM RANGKA MENJAMIN KESIAPSIAGAAN PENGOPERASIAN SEKOCI DI MV. ORIENTAL SAMUDRA}, year={2017}, url={http://repository.pip-semarang.ac.id/648/}, abstract={Romario Anggoro Satriyo, 2017, Number Registry Of Cadet : 49124462. N, “Optimalisasi Plan Maintenance System Dalam Rangka Menjamin Kesiapsiagaan Pengoperasian Sekoci Di MV. Oriental Samudra”, script of Nautical Department, IV Diploma Program, Semarang Merchant Marine Polytechnic, Lecture I: Capt. Rudy Susanto, M.Pd., Lecture II: Dr. Winarno, S.S.T., M.H Plan Maintenance System is maintenance for ship with continously about tools and equipment of the ship and have goal to be reasonable to sail dan readiness, while PMS for life boat is maintenance countinously for lifeboat to get the reasonable to sail and be a readiness. It is the responsbility of every Officer at the ship and that is follow the Solas 1974 and ISM Code regulation. From this research there are get two factor that be problem formulation of the script that is less of care the Third Officer who is has responsibility about maintenace of life boat and less of supervision from Chieff Officer/Master to enactive organize the maintenance of life boat appropriate PMS in MV. Oriental Samudra. In this scription reseacher use descriptive qualitative method for the discussion and USG (urgency, seriousness, growth) method for choos the problem formulation. Descriptive qualitative methode is to description the factor of causing PMS not optimum at the ship by researcher. Cause of importantly the life boat as prime safety equipment at the ship so PMS must be did with goodly. The factors that potential be failthe optimum of PMS for life boat must be vanish, it goal to be make the life boat always in readiness. Key Words: Maintenance, life boat, ISM Code, Solas 1974} }