@thesis{thesis, author={BIMA SAKTI PRAKOSO}, title ={IMPLEMENTASI PASSAGE PLAN PADA SUEZ CANAL DI KAPAL NYK VEGA}, year={2018}, url={http://repository.pip-semarang.ac.id/651/}, abstract={ABSTRACT Bima Sakti Prakoso, 2018, NIT: 50134743.N, “Implementasi Passage Plan Pada Suez Canal Di Kapal NYK Vega” Program Diploma IV Nautical department Merchant Marine Polytechnic of Semarang, Material Supervisor (I): Dr. Capt. SUWIYADI, M.Pd., M.Mar., Methodology and Writing tutors (II): SRI MURDIWATI, S.Sos., M.Si. When we are sailing in the sea, the first thing to do is make a passage plan, this passage plan means making the course that lead the vessel from the departure port to the destination port safe and sound. At April 18th 2015, there are two grounding incident in the middle of Suez Canal, Margret Oldendorff and Susan Maersk. With this problem, researcher have completed the research titled “Implementasi Passage Plan Pada Suez Canal Di Kapal NYK Vega”. In the process of passage planning, when determining the ship’s course must be held to the principle that the voyage should be safe and efficient. Safe and sound means how the officer onboard following the correct course to avoid the dangerous area in the sea. There are for stages in the passage planning, they are appraisal stage, planning stage, execution stage, and monitoring stage. In this research, researcher using descriptive qualitative method so in the discussion section later, researcher will trying to describes the results of this research that obtained either directly from the researcher's interviewing and observing experience when onboard NYK Vega as well as based on references from related books. Based on the result of the research, the researcher found some data related to passage planning for Suez Canal, that is the preparation done in appraisal stage of passage plan stage on Suez Canal, preparation done in planning stage of passage plan phase on Suez Canal, process of execution stage of passage plan on Suez Canal, thing should be noted during the monitoring stage of passage plan on the Suez Canal, as well as the time difference in northbound and southbound convoys in suez canal along with its main factors. So, in appraisal and planning stage of a passage plan, prepare the internal and external data of the ship, then draw the track line from the departure place to the arrival place carefully. Safe and successful sailing can only be achieved with effective and efficient execution and ongoing monitoring of the ship’s movements along the pre-planned track. With the compliance of the four stages rules, the voyage will be safe and arriving on time in destination port. Keywords: Implementation, Passage Plan, Suez Canal} }