@thesis{thesis, author={Syahrul Ramadhani}, title ={PENINGKATAN PELAKSANAAN PROSES CARGO HOLD CLEANING GUNA KELANCARAN PEMUATAN DI KAPAL MV. ENERGY PROSPERITY}, year={2018}, url={http://repository.pip-semarang.ac.id/714/}, abstract={Syahrul Ramadhani, 2018, NIT: 50134889.N, ?Improving Implementation of Cargo Hold Cleaning Process to Smoothness Loading On MV. Energy Prosperity?, skripsi Program Study Nautica, Program Diploma IV, Politeknik Ilmu Pelayaran Semarang, Pembimbing I: Capt. Arika Palapa, M.Si., M.Mar, Pembimbing II: Poernomo Dwi Atmodjo, S.H., M.H Implementation of a not smoothly cargo hold cleaning process may result in coal loading delay in MV. Energy Prosperity. Delayed of loading is very detrimental to many parties, ranging from the company and the owner of the cargo. Therefore, the authors conduct research with the aim of making cargo hold cleaning smoothly and loading process can be done on time. This research uses qualitative method with data analysis technique SWOT (strength, weakness, opportunity, threat) to determine the problem which become the main priority in the implementation of a not smoothly cargo hold cleaning process, so will be found the solution. From the results of research that the authors do, it can be concluded that the causes of the implementation of a not smoothly cargo hold cleaning is (1) the equipment is not complete and less maintenance, and (2) lack of crew skills in carrying out the cargo hold cleaning. Efforts are made by (1) doing maintenance and repair of damaged equipment, and adding incomplete cleaning equipments (2) direction by officers to improve the skills of the crew so that the cargo hold cleaning process becomes smooth. Key Words: improving, cleaning, cargo hold, loading} }