@thesis{thesis, author={MUHAMAD WAKHYU TRISURYA}, title ={PENANGANAN KETERLAMBATAN PROSES BONGKAR MUATAN LIQUEFIED PETROLEUM GAS (LPG) SECARA SHIP TO SHIP DI KAPAL VLGC PERTAMINA GAS 1}, year={2018}, url={http://repository.pip-semarang.ac.id/719/}, abstract={Trisurya, M.W, 2017. NIT: 50134789 N, ?Penanganan Keterlambatan Proses Bongkar Muatan Liquefied Petroleum Gas (LPG) Secara Ship To Ship di Kapal VLGC Pertamina Gas 1?. Nautical Study Program, Diploma IV Program, Merchant Marine Polytechnic of Semarang, 1st Advisor: Capt. Arika Palapa., M.Si., M.Mar. and 2nd Advisor: Tony Santiko S.St., M.Si. VLGC vessel Pertamina Gas 1 is a fully refrigerated type gas vessel designed to transport LPG in large quantities. LPG consists of butane and propane which is a gas charge in liquid form. The process of discharge of LPG cargo on VLGC vessel Pertamina Gas 1 is carried out by ship to ship operation where VLGC vessel Pertamina Gas 1 as mother ship. Based on the results of research from the author, the process of loading and unloading on the VLGC vessel Pertamina Gas 1 experienced delays due to some constraints both from internal factors and external factors. The purpose of the authors to do this research is to find out why there is a delay when the process of loading and unloading and how the effort to handle the delay. In this thesis the author uses the rules derived from the theory related to the topic discussed. The research method used by the authors in the delivery of the problem is SWOT analysis supported by the fishbone diagram, Internal Strategic Factos Analysis Summary (IFAS) and ExternalStrategic Factors Analysis Summary (EFAS). At the time of loading and unloading activities on a ship to ship basis, there is often an inability to cause delay in loading and unloading process, such as lack of Deck Rating knowledge about process of loading and unloading process, Gas Engineer and Gas Man condition is less fit due to dense schedule of demolition and lack of good coordination between related parties. From the inability to make efforts to optimize the process of loading and unloading so that there is no delay in dismantling. These efforts are to increase the knowledge of Deck Rating by conducting training and guidance on loading and unloading procedures, duties and responsibilities of each crew, adequate rest for Gas Engineer and Gas Man and every ship crew should be independent and not dependent on Gas Engineer and Gas Man as well as improved coordination among stakeholders. Key words : LPG, discharging, VLGC.} }