@thesis{thesis, author={MUHAMMAD ABDUL MUFID}, title ={PENGARUH LASHING PADA MUATAN PETI KEMAS TERHADAP KESELAMATAN PELAYARAN DI MV. ELINE ENTERPRISE}, year={2018}, url={http://repository.pip-semarang.ac.id/721/}, abstract={Muhammad Abdul Mufid, 2018, NIT: 50134817.N, ?The Influence of Lashing Container Load on Safety of Voyages in MV. Eline Enterprise?, Essay of Nautical Departement, Diploma IV Program, Politeknik Ilmu Pelayaran Semarang, Pembimbing I : Ir. Boedojo Wiwoho, S.J., M.T. and Pembimbing II : Okvita Wahyuni, S.ST., M.M Types of container vessels can be broadly divided into two types, namely full container and semi container vessels. In principle, all ships have a purpose to maintain the safety of cargo and crew during the voyage. Especially in the case of lashing the load during the voyage should be really taken care of. The existence of problems in the process of lashing that is not appropriate procedures can endanger the safety of shipping, because it is necessary to implement lashing properly and solemnly to overcome the constraints in the lashing process. The procedure in keeping the charge tight does not shift especially the deck charge and the system is in the form of bonding to the load so as not to shift from its place. The author uses descriptive qualitative research methods, namely by retelling the events that occurred on the ship and conduct interviews directly to the crew of MV. Eline Enterprise. The author describes all data obtained at the time of carrying out the pre-sourced from the First Deck by way of interview. Based on these interviews the process of lashing that is not appropriate procedure occurs due to lack of accuracy and knowledge of the crew of the ship against lashing procedures and limitations of lashing tools due to damage. Such matter may endanger the safety of the vessel during the voyage, so it is necessary to hold the implementation of the metting before carrying out the lashing and the maintenance of lashing tools on a regular basis to maintain the quality of lashing tools to be used properly. By conducting lashing according to the procedure that includes preparation, execution, checking and supported by adequate lashing tools and crew that understands in terms of lashing, it will be accomplished lashing process smoothly and lashingnya strong, so as to create a safe and safe voyage to the destination port. Keywords: Lashing, container, safety of voyages.} }