@thesis{thesis, author={PANTHER ACHDIYAT PRAMONO}, title ={PELAKSANAAN BONGKAR MUATAN OIL PRODUCT DI MT. TANKER VICTORY}, year={2018}, url={http://repository.pip-semarang.ac.id/740/}, abstract={Panther Achdiyat Pramono, 2018, NIT: 50134759. N, “Implementation Of Discharging Oil Product at MT. Tanker Victory” Program Studi Nautika, Program Diploma IV, Politeknik Ilmu Pelayaran Semarang, Supervisor I: Capt. H. S. Sumardi, SH,M.M.,M.Mar, Supervisor II: H. Mustoliq, M.M.,M.Mar.E Oil Product Discharging Operation is a process which is done in every Tanker Fleets by discharge or transfer cargoes. The problems that always find on board in MT. Tanker Victory are timing on discharging cargoes and damaging in the cargoes while discharging. This study aim to know factors which cause those problem in the MT. Tanker Victory, and also to know the problem solving of those problem. Method in this study is discriptive kualitative method, which methods serve the facts which posible find on board by gather the information based on observation on the reality, interview is done by research to officer and based on manuals. Data analysis is done by gathering the data and the final, researcher will take the conclusion. This research result will show and determine conclusion the problem occur such as the delays of discharging cargo operation for example human resources and or systemic error and the result of damaging cargoes because of Lack Information of optimalize tank cleaning by ship crews. Furthermore that we will do by giving familiarization to crews on board about discharging cargoes operation and the right tank cleaning, and also maintenance periodically to the Discharging Cargoes Equipment and Tank Cleaning Equipments. Keywords: discharging, oil product.} }