@thesis{thesis, author={ILHAM PRATAMA}, title ={PENANGANAN PELAKSANAAN BONGKAR MUAT VCM(C2H3CL) DI KAPAL MT. GAS KALIMANTAN LPG CARRIER TYPE-C}, year={2018}, url={http://repository.pip-semarang.ac.id/756/}, abstract={ABSTRACT Ilham Pratama 50134783 N. Penanganan Pelaksanaan Bongkar Muat VCM (C2H3CL) di Kapal MT. Gas Kalimantan LPG carrier type-C. Skripsi: Politeknik Ilmu Pelayaran Semarang. 2018. Pembimbing: (I) Capt. Eko Murdiyanto, M.Pd., M.Mar (II) Yustina Sapan, S.S,T., MM In the process of loading and discharging cargo, especially VCM cargo should be carried out in the best. It requires careful preparation good from the ship and shore. Basically handling barriers aims to overcome the problem that can be solved well when loading and unloading process. The problem that the authors take here is How to handling loading and discharging of the vessel MT. Gas Kalimantan? How preparation when loading and unloading in the MT. Gas Kalimantan? Platform used here is the handling cargo is a knowledge of the loading and unloading of ship and upwards so that materialize the five principles of good loading unloading is a load or unload shipping activities of a charge and dock. In this scribd using qualitative descriptive study data download data through observation and interviews. Based on the research results of the tank temperature rises abruptly due to the influence of the outside temperature and fast loading factor and no prevention. To avoid danger when loading take places, then the tank temperature rise must be reduced by cargo compressor. Preparation when loading and loading must be according with standart operational procedure on the ship to increase implementation unloading and loading be optimal as well as safe for crew ship. Conclusion of the study was to determine the obstacle handling tankers unloading on VCM so that the crew understands that the VCM cargo handling when loading and unloading process safely and smoothly, suggestions are given, always pay attention temperature and preassure at the time of loading and unloading because suddenly and signifiacantly rissing temperature and preassure can hamper loading and unloading Key Word: Loading and unloading, tanker LPG/C, temperature, preassure} }