@thesis{thesis, author={ANNA TRI WIJAYANTI}, title ={ANALISIS MANFAAT PELATIHAN KESELAMATAN KERJA UNTUK MEMINIMALISIR TERJADINYA KECELAKAAN KERJA DI MV. BRUSSEL BRIDGE PADA PT. JASINDO DUTA SEGARA}, year={2018}, url={http://repository.pip-semarang.ac.id/783/}, abstract={Anna Tri Wijayanti, 2018, 51145494.K, “Analysis Benefits of Work Safety Training to Minimize Occurrence of Work Accidents in the MV. Brussels Bridge at PT. Jasindo Duta Segara ", Thesis Port and Shipping Department, Diploma Program IV, Semarang Merchant Marine Polytechnic, Supervisor I: Sri Murdiwati, S.Sos., M.Si., Supervisor II: Amad Narto, M.Mar.E., M.Pd. Ship crews are one of the most important components on board. Without a crew, the ship cannot operate. Therefore, crew safety on board is a matter that should be considered by shipping companies. Working on board has a very high risk of work accidents. Therefore, work safety training must be carried out optimally to minimize work accidents on board. This study aims to find out how work safety training at PT. Jasindo Duta Segara for the ship crew, knowing the cause of the accident on the ship and the efforts made to minimize the occurrence of work accidents on board. This research uses qualitative descriptive writing method to describe and describe the object under study. This method is intended to get a comprehensive and clear picture of work accidents aboard MV. Brussels Bridge at PT. Jasindo Duta Segara. In determining the priority of the problem to be resolved, the researcher uses the approach method, namely fishbone analysis and fault tree analysis (FTA). From the results of the research, the implementation of work safety training at PT. Jasindo Duta Segara has not been carried out optimally, this is due to the lack of the number of teachers and the lack of seriousness of the crew during the work safety training. Work accidents on board are caused by several factors, namely human factors, equipment factors, environmental factors and procedural factors. Efforts are made to minimize the occurrence of work accidents on board, by optimizing workplace safety training for ship crews both in the office and on board, performing maintenance and checking against work equipment and safety equipment on board, as well as using safety equipment in accordance with procedure. Keywords: Analysis, Work accidents, Training} }